Credit Cards: Be Wise and Save Your Money More
I never leave my house without my credit cards on my wallet. Sometimes no hard cash at all :)
I just want you to know that two years ago I have faced a bad experience with my credit cards. I could not manage my expenses and I could not pay my bill. Actually, I do not want to remember it anymore. Such a bad time!
To avoid the same mistake, I become more careful at the time applying new credit cards. I try to get all the necessary information and ensure that everything is under my consideration. I take my time to search the lower interest credit cards, make sure if there is a facility to transfer my previous credit cards balance, better if I can find no annual fee credit cards, and other information that could save my money more.
Finally, I suggest you to be wise using your credit cards and please search in the internet to find about credit cards ratings and reviews. Trust me will need it!
I just want you to know that two years ago I have faced a bad experience with my credit cards. I could not manage my expenses and I could not pay my bill. Actually, I do not want to remember it anymore. Such a bad time!
To avoid the same mistake, I become more careful at the time applying new credit cards. I try to get all the necessary information and ensure that everything is under my consideration. I take my time to search the lower interest credit cards, make sure if there is a facility to transfer my previous credit cards balance, better if I can find no annual fee credit cards, and other information that could save my money more.
Finally, I suggest you to be wise using your credit cards and please search in the internet to find about credit cards ratings and reviews. Trust me will need it!
i dont have credit card
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